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Geotechnical properties of sediments from the Continental Shelf south of Icy Bay, northeastern Gulf of Alaska

January 1, 1978

Studies of geotechnical properties of marine sediments have recently intensified as the search for natural resources has expanded on the continental shelf. The U. S. Geological Survey has begun a detailed evaluation of geologic environmental conditions in continental shelf regions in order to facilitate safe development of continental shelf resources. Investigations of geohazards in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska (Fig. 1) began in 1974 when 6500 km of high and medium resolution seismic reflection data were collected from the eastern gulf between Yakutat and Montague Island (Carlson, Bruns and Molnia, 1975; Von Huene and others, 1975). The first extensive sediment sampling program was begun in 1975 when approximately 400 samples of continental shelf sediments were collected from the same area of the gulf (Carlson and others, 1977b). A limited number of geotechnical measurements were made from these samples and samples collected by subsequent programs, however, systematic measurement of geotechnical properties was not started until the 1977 cruise of the NOAA ship DISCOVERER. Once unstable environments or "geohazards", such as slumps and slides, are delineated, geotechnical testing is an important means of quantifying such geologic processes and consequently furthering our understanding of them.

The purposes of this report are two-fold: (1) to report variations of physical properties in 1-2 meter gravity cores and (2) to recognize any variations in the areal distribution of these properties within and adjacent to an area of mass movement in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska.

Publication Year 1978
Title Geotechnical properties of sediments from the Continental Shelf south of Icy Bay, northeastern Gulf of Alaska
DOI 10.3133/ofr781071
Authors Paul R. Carlson, William P. Levy, Bruce F. Molnia, John C. Hampson
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 78-1071
Index ID ofr781071
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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