Ground-water studies in the Missouri River Basin were begun by the United States Geological Survey during the fall of 1945 as a part of the program for development of the resources of the basin by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and other Federal Agencies. The studies of the ground-water resources in the part of Kansas that lies within the Basin have been coordinated with the cooperative program of ground-water studies already being carried on in Kansas by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Kansas State Geological Survey, the Division of Sanitation of the Kansas State Board of Health, and the Division of Water Resources of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Areas in which ground-water data have been and are being collected are the following: Almena Unit in Norton and Phillips Counties; the Bostwick Unit in Jewell, Republic, and Cloud Counties; the Cedar Bluff Unit in Ellis, Rush, and Trego Counties; the Glen Elder Unit in Mitchell County; Kanopolis unit in Ellsworth, McPherson, and Saline Counties; Kirwin unit in Phillips, Smith, and Osborne Counties; St. Francis unit in Cheyenne County ; the Webster Unit in Osborne County; and the Wilson Unit in Lincoln County. Data relating to the Ladder Creek project in Greeley, Gove, Lane, Logan, Scott, Wallace, and Wichita Counties will be published later in a separate report.
This report is the ninth of a series of annual reports on ground-water in the nine above-named units in Kansas and contains the data collected during 1955. The first report of the series contained the data collected prior to and through 1947. An index to the data contained in this and previous reports is given in table 1.