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Ground-water data for Fairbanks area, Alaska

January 1, 1960

A compilation of records of about 450 wells in the Fairbanks area is presented herein. The data were collected by D. J. Cedarstrom and Troy L. Pewe during the first phases of an investigation by the United States Geological Survey of the permafrost, terrain, and water resources of the Fairbanks area. The enclosed map of the area, showing well locations, was prepared by the Regional Sanitary Engineer, Sanitation and Engineering, Alaska Department of Health and Welfare. The data were released to the Survey's open file in 1948, but are reproduced in the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Hydrological Data series to insure preservation.

Where known, the data include for each well the names of the owner and driller; the depth of the well; the depth to the top and bottom of permafrost; and the reported quality of water. The well records and location may be very useful for future subsurface investigations or construction.

The well location map was based on the Fairbanks street names as of 1948. Since that time, many of the street names and the numbering system have changed. Hence, the reader should not refer to the address of a particular well, but to the well number when locating a well on the map.

The Geological Survey has recompiled the well data in the Fairbanks area for its final phase of a ground-water study. Data through 1954 is to be presented in a Water-Supply Paper now in preparation. Pertinent portions of the enclosed well data will be presented in the forthcoming report.

Some of the enclosed well data, and additional well logs, have been published in a report (Pewe, Troy L., 1958, Geology of the Fairbanks (D-2) quadrangle, Alaska: U. S. Geological Survey GQ 110) describing the geology and subsurface conditions in the area.

Publication Year 1960
Title Ground-water data for Fairbanks area, Alaska
DOI 10.3133/ofr4960
Authors D.J. Cedarstrom
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 49-60
Index ID ofr4960
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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