This report continues a publication format that annually presents both water-level and water-quality data. In this format the information is presented in two-page units: the left page presents a text which summarizes the information for an area or subject and the right page consists of one or more illustrations. Daily mean water-level fluctuations and trends are shown in hydrographs for the previous year and fluctuations of the monthly mean water level for the previous 10 years in selected observation wells in Georgia. The selected wells best illustrate the effects of changes in recharge and discharge in the various ground-water reservoirs in the State A short narrative explains fluctuations and trends in each hydrograph.
Monitoring ground-water levels is essential to the understanding of storage changes and other changes in a ground-water reservoir or aquifer. Fluctuations and long-term trends in water levels occur as a result of recharge to and discharge from the reservoir. Varying rates of recharge occur chiefly as a result of varying rates of precipitation, evapotranspiration, and surface-water infiltration into the ground-water reservoir. Discharge occurs as natural flow from the aquifer to streams and springs, direct ground-water evapotranspiration, and as manmade withdrawal from wells.
Ground-water levels have been monitored in Georgia for at least a hundred years. Most of the data gathered were used in area 1 reconnaissance studies, and published, usually as tables, with a few graphs of water-level trends. These data had limited value, especially considering the time lag between data collection and publication. With the advent of continuously monitoring recorders and computer processing of data, this information can now be presented to the user in an understandable and timely manner.