The principal source of freshwater that has been developed in the Riviera Beach area is the so-called shallow aquifer, which is composed of sand, shells, sandstone, limestone, marl, and occasionally clay strata. Often a stratum contains mixtures of two or more of these materials and occasionally they are cemented. The aquifer ranges in thickness from approximately 300 feet at Lake Worth to less than 175 feet in the interior. The major water-bearing zone usually consists of cemented layers of sand and shells, about 100 feet thick, in the lower part of the aquifer.
The quality of water in the shallow aquifer is generally suitable for municipal use except for an area along C-17 Canal where the dissolved solids concentration exceeds 500 milligrams per liter.
The primary source of recharge to the shallow aquifer is rainfall. Discharge is mainly by evapotranspiration. Other discharges include seepage into drainage canals and Lake Worth, and pumpage.
The configuration of the water table is greatly influenced by Lake Worth, C-17 Canal, West Palm Beach water catchment area, rainfall, and municipal pumpage.
The major threat to development of water supplies, and possibly to the continuation of a current withdrawal rate of over 5 million gallons per day, is seawater intrusion. The municipal supply wells are almost 1 mile inland from the source of the seawater (Lake Worth), but the combined effects of increased pumpage, reduced recharge resulting from increased land development, and below normal rainfall, have caused seawater to advance inland in the aquifer. Additional supplies could be developed to the west, away from the threat of seawater intrusion.