Withdrawals and site data for wells with a pump capacity of 100 ,000 gallons per day or greater in the Coastal Plain of New Jersey are stored in computer files for 1956-80. The data are aggregated by computer into tables, graphs and maps to show the distribution of ground-water withdrawals. Withdrawals are reported by type of use and aquifer for each county in the Coastal Plain. Public-supply wells withdraw the largest quantity of ground water in the Coastal Plain, followed by industrial and agricultural wells. In 1980 public-supply withdrawals were about 280 million gallons per day; the maximum monthly rate was about 355 million gallons per day in July, and the lowest was about 215 million gallons per day in February. Average industrial withdrawals were about 65 million gallons per day. Ground-water withdrawals used for agriculture vary significantly during the year. In 1980, about 75 percent of the agricultural withdrawals occurred from June through September. Several aquifers are used as sources of water supply in the Coastal Plain. Five regional aquifers are the major sources of water for public-supply, industrial, or agricultural use. In decreasing order of withdrawals in 1980, in million gallons per day, they are: The Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, 243; Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, 70; Atlantic City 800-foot sand, 21; Englishtown aquifer, 12; and the Wenonah-Mount Laurel aquifer system, 5.