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Hashemite, Ba(Cr,S)O4, a new mineral from Jordan.

January 1, 1983
Hashemite, Ba(Cr,S)O4, the isostructural chromate analogue of baryte, has been found in west-central Jordan. It is associated with chromian ettringite, apatite and calcite in a phosphatic carbonate rock analogous to the Hatrurim formation in Israel. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pnma, with a 9.112(2), b 5.541(1), c 7.343(1) A, Z = 4. Strongest XRD lines are 3.516(100), 3.171(80), 3.669(60), 2.175(60), 2.150(45) A. Hashemite occurs as small, euhedral, dark brown, commonly zoned crystals with an average D 4.59 g/cm3 and H. 31/2. It is biaxial positive; dark varieties have alpha 1.952(2), beta 1.960(2), gamma 1.977(2); light varieties have alpha 1.810(2), beta 1.813(2), gamma 1.824(2), 2Vgamma 35o-57o.-J.A.Z.
Publication Year 1983
Title Hashemite, Ba(Cr,S)O4, a new mineral from Jordan.
Authors P. L. Hauff, E.E. Foord, S. Rosenblum
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title American Mineralogist
Index ID 70011268
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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