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Heterogeneity in pepper isolates of cucumber mosaic virus

January 1, 1995

Twenty-four cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) field isolates from pepper crops in Cali-fornia were characterized and compared by nucleic acid hybridization subgrouping, virion electrophoresis, and biological effects in several hosts. Isolates, belonging to subgroup I or subgroup II, were found that induced severe symptoms in mechanically inoculated bell pep-pers. Only two isolates, both from subgroup II, were mild. A group of 19 isolates collected from a single field were all in subgroup II and appeared identical by virion electrophoresis, but they exhibited varying degrees of symptom severity in peppers. As a more detailed indicator of heterogeneity, these 19 isolates were examined by RNase protection assays to delect sequence variation in the coat protein gene region of their genomes. The patterns of bands observed were complex and a high degree of genomic heterogeneity was detected between isolates, with no apparent correlation to symptomatology in bell pepper.

Publication Year 1995
Title Heterogeneity in pepper isolates of cucumber mosaic virus
DOI 10.1094/PD-79-0450
Authors G. Rodriguez-Alvarado, G. Kurath, J.A. Dodds
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Plant Disease
Index ID 70180335
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Western Fisheries Research Center
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