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High-resolution leaf-fossil record spanning the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary

January 1, 1989

THEORIES that explain the extinctions characterizing the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary1-3 need to be tested by analyses of thoroughly sampled biotas. Palynological studies are the primary means for stratigraphic placement of the terrestrial boundary and for estimates of plant extinction4-12, but have not been combined with quantitative analyses of fossil leaves (megaflora). Megafloral studies complement palynology by representing local floras with assemblages capable of high taxonomic resolution13, but have previously lacked the sample size and stratigraphic spacing needed to resolve latest Cretaceous floral history5,14-18. We have now combined megafloral data from a 100-m-thick composite K/T boundary section in North Dakota with detailed palynological analysis. Here the boundary is marked by a 30% palynofloral extinction coincident with iridium and shocked-mineral anomalies and lies ???2 m above the highest dinosaur remains. The megaflora undergoes a 79% turnover across the boundary, and smaller changes 17- and 25-m below it. This pattern is consistent with latest Cretaceous climatic warming preceding a bolide impact. ?? 1989 Nature Publishing Group.

Publication Year 1989
Title High-resolution leaf-fossil record spanning the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
Authors K.R. Johnson, D.J. Nichols, M. Attrep, C. J. Orth
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Nature
Index ID 70015369
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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