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A history of early geologic research in the Deep River Triassic Basin, North Carolina

January 1, 1998

The Deep River Triassic basin has one of the longest recorded histories of geologic research in North Carolina. A quick perusal of nineteenth century geologic literature in North Carolina reveals the Deep River basin has received a tremendous amount of attention, second only, perhaps, to the gold deposits of the Carolina slate belt. While these early researchers' primary interests were coal deposits, many other important discoveries, observations, and hypotheses resulted from their investigations. This article highlights many of the important advances made by these early geo-explorers by trying to include information from every major geologic investigation made in the Deep River basin from 1820 to 1955. This article also provides as thorough a consolidated history as is possible to preserve the exploration history of the Deep River basin for future investigators.

Publication Year 1998
Title A history of early geologic research in the Deep River Triassic Basin, North Carolina
Authors T. W. Clark
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Southeastern Geology
Index ID 70020218
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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