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Hydrogeologic data for the Blaine aquifer and associated units in southwestern Oklahoma and northwestern Texas

December 1, 1997
This report is a compilation of hydrogeologic data collected for an areal ground-water investigation of the Blaine aquifer and associated units in southwestern Oklahoma and northwestern Texas. The study area includes parts of Greer, Harmon, and Jackson counties in Oklahoma and parts of Childress, Collingsworth, Hall, Hardeman, and Wilbarger counties in Texas. The Blaine aquifer consists of cavernous gypsum and dolomite beds. Water from the Blaine aquifer supports a local agriculture based mainly on irrigated cotton and wheat. The purpose of the study was to determine the availability, quantity, and quality of ground water from the Blaine aquifer and associated units. This report provides a reference for some of the data that was used as input into a computer ground-water flow model that simulates ground-water flow in the Blaine aquifer. The data in this report consists of: (1) Monthly or periodic water-level measurements in 134 wells; (2) daily mean water-level measurements for 11 wells equipped with water-level recorders; (3) daily total precipitation measurements from five precipitation gages; (4) low-flow stream-discharge measurements for 89 stream sites; (5) miscellaneous stream-discharge measurements at seven stream sites; (6) chemical analyses of surface water from 78 stream sites during low-flow periods; (7) chemical analyses of ground water from 41 wells; and (8) chemical analyses of runoff water collected at five sites.
Publication Year 1997
Title Hydrogeologic data for the Blaine aquifer and associated units in southwestern Oklahoma and northwestern Texas
DOI 10.3133/ofr9750
Authors D. L. Runkle, D. L. Bergman, R.S. Fabian
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 97-50
Index ID ofr9750
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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