Bay Mills Indian Community (BMIC) near Brimley, Mich. (fig. 1), with a population of about 1,000, needs hydrogeologic and ground-water-quality information to help assure a reliable ground-water supply for future economic development. Currently (1995), three wells supply water to a housing development adjacent to Mission Hill, but the remainder of BMIC is dependent on private low-capacity wells. Currently (1995), motel and gaming facilities are being constructed at the former Fisherman's Wharf site. These facilities will require large-capacity wells for public supply and fire protection. In addition, a proposed fish hatchery would require a water supply that would meet stringent water-quality requirements and be capable of producing about 500 to 600 gallons per minute (gal/min). This report summarizes hydrogeologic and ground-water-quality information needed to effectively plan for water-supply development at BMIC and is the result of a cooperative effort between BMIC and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).