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Hydrologic data for Leviathan Mine and vicinity, Alpine County, California, 1981-83

January 1, 1985

The U.S. Geological Survey collected basic hydrologic and water-quality data during 1981-83 to facilitate the geohydrologic evaluation of the Leviathan Mine area and the design of a pollution-abatement project. Surface-water field data included one or more measurements of pH, water temperature, and specific conductance at 45 sites in and adjacent to the mine area. At nine of these sites, daily data on discharge, specific conductance, and water temperature were collected during parts of 1981-82 by using electronic monitor-recorder systems. Ground-water field data included one or more of the water-quality measurements listed above at 71 piezometers in the mine area. Borehole geophysical data included neutron-moisture, neutron-porosity, gamma-gamma density, natural gamma, and temperature logs at three sites. Mineralogic and hydrologic data were obtained for cores taken from nine test holes. One or more surface-water samples from 26 sites were analyzed for major cations, major anions, and a wide range of minor inorganic constituents. Single ground-water samples from 36 piezometers were analyzed for the same array of major and minor constituents. (USGS)

Publication Year 1985
Title Hydrologic data for Leviathan Mine and vicinity, Alpine County, California, 1981-83
DOI 10.3133/ofr85160
Authors D.P. Hammermeister, S.J. Walmsley
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 85-160
Index ID ofr85160
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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