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Hydrology, vegetation, and soils of riverine and tidal floodplain forests of the lower Suwannee River, Florida, and potential impacts of flow reductions

January 1, 2002

A study relating hydrologic conditions, soils, and vegetation of floodplain forests to river flow was conducted in the lower Suwannee River, Florida, from 1996 to 2000. The study was done by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Suwannee River Water Management District to help determine the minimum flows and levels required for wetlands protection. The study area included forests within the 10-year floodplain of the Suwannee River from its confluence with the Santa Fe River to the tree line (lower limit of forests) near the Gulf of Mexico, and covered 18,600 hectares (ha) of forests, 75 percent of which were wetlands and 25 percent uplands. The floodplain was divided into three reaches, riverine, upper tidal, and lower tidal, based on changes in hydrology, vegetation, and soils with proximity to the coast.

The Suwannee River is the second largest river in Florida in terms of average discharge. Median flow at the confluence of the Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers is approximately 181 cubic meters per second (m3/s) or 6,480 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) (1933-99). At the upper end of the riverine reach, river stages are unaffected by tides and have a typical annual range of 4.1 meters (m). Tides affect river stages at low and medium flows in the upper tidal reach, and at all flows in the lower tidal reach. Median tidal range at the mouth of the Suwannee River is about 1 m. Salinity of river water in the lower tidal reach increases with decreasing flow and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Vertically averaged salinity in the river near the tree line is typically about 5 parts per thousand at medium flow.

Land-surface elevation and topographic relief in the floodplain decrease with proximity to the coast. Elevations range from 4.1 to 7.3 m above sea level at the most upstream riverine transect and from 0.3 to 1.3 m above sea level on lower tidal transects. Surface soils in the riverine reach are predominantly mineral and dry soon after floods recede except in swamps. Surface soils in upper and lower tidal reaches are predominantly organic, saturated mucks. In the downstream part of the lower tidal reach, conductivities of surface soils are high enough (greater than 4 milli-mhos per centimeter) to exclude many tree species that are intolerant of salinity.

Species richness of canopy and subcanopy plants in wetland forests in the lower Suwannee River is high compared to other river floodplains in North America. A total of 77 tree, shrub, and woody vine species were identified in the canopy and subcanopy of floodplain wetland forests (n = 8,376). Fourteen specific forest types were mapped using digitized aerial photographs, defined from vegetative sampling, and described in terms of plant species composition. For discussion purposes, some specific wetland types were combined, resulting in three general wetland forest types for each reach.

Riverine high bottomland hardwoods have higher canopy species richness than all other forest types (40-42 species), with Quercus virginiana the most important canopy tree by basal area. The canopy composition of riverine low bottomland hardwoods is dominated by five species with Quercus laurifolia the most important by basal area. Riverine swamps occur in the lowest and wettest areas with Taxodium distichum the most important canopy species by basal area. Upper tidal bottomland hardwoods are differentiated from riverine forests by the presence of Sabal palmetto in the canopy. Upper tidal mixed forests and swamps are differentiated from riverine forests, in part, by the presence of Fraxinus profunda in the canopy. Nyssa aquatica, the most important canopy species by basal area in upper tidal swamps, is absent from most forests in the lower tidal reach where its distribution is probably restricted by salinity. Hydric hammocks, a wetland type that is rare outside of Florida, are found in the lower tidal reach and are flooded every 1-2 years by either storm surge or river floods. Lower tidal mixed forests and swamps have continuously saturated muck soils and are differentiated from upper tidal forests, in part, by the presence of Magnolia virginiana in the canopy. Lower tidal swamps have the highest density of canopy trees (about 1,200 trees per hectare) of all floodplain forest types, with Nyssa biflora the most important canopy species by basal area.

Water use in the Suwannee River basin in Florida and Georgia is expected to increase over time because of anticipated growth and development in the region and adjacent areas. If increased water consumption reduced river flow, river stage would decrease and salinity would increase, resulting in a variety of impacts on forest composition, wetland biogeochemical processes, and fish and wildlife habitat.

Forest composition in the floodplain is primarily determined by duration of inundation and saturation, depth and frequency of floods, and salinity. Long-term flow reductions would result in shallower flood depths, allowing drier and more tidal species to invade wetland forests of the riverine and upper tidal reaches. If flows were reduced 2.8-56 m3/s (100-2,000 ft3/s), an estimated 52-1,140 ha, respectively, would change to a drier forest type, and 36-788 ha, respectively, would change to a more tidal forest type. The greatest impacts would occur in swamps, where important swamp species such as Taxodium distichum and Nyssa aquatica could have increased competition not only from drier or more tidal species, but also from opportunistic bottomland hardwoods or invasive exotic species. Reduced flows could also result in a conversion of some wetland forests to uplands, increasing vulnerability to human disturbance, and decreasing tree basal area, species richness, and diversity of wildlife habitat.

Salt-intolerant species would move upstream if flow reductions increased salinity in the lower tidal reach. If flows were reduced 2.8-56 m3/s (100-2,000 ft3/s), the area of forests along the tree line that would convert to marshes is estimated to be 72-618 ha, respectively. Loss of forests at the tree line would result in a loss of complex vertical structural diversity and woody micro-habitats that are used by many animals. These changes are already occurring due to sea level rise, but changes would occur more quickly if salinities increased as a result of flow reductions.

The amount of inundated and saturated area in the floodplain forest of the riverine reach would decrease if flows were reduced. The greatest impacts would result from flow reductions that occurred at low flows, when inundated and saturated areas in the floodplain are limited. Drier conditions would result in oxidation of organic matter in swamp soils, which would reduce the soil's water-holding capacity and ability to retain water during droughts. Drier soils would increase vulnerability of the floodplain to fire and could also reduce the ability of riverine forests to remove nitrates and other pollutants from river water. Loss of inundated areas resulting from flow reductions at low flow would eliminate aquatic habitats that are critical to the survival of floodplain fishes and aquatic invertebrates, and are important to many other animals that use the floodplain. If flow reductions occurred during high flows, main channel fishes could decrease in diversity and abundance because they are seasonally dependent on flooded forests for food, shelter, and reproduction. In addition, aquatic organisms in the river and estuary could be adversely affected because they depend on particulate organic detritus and other floodplain exports as food sources.

Publication Year 2002
Title Hydrology, vegetation, and soils of riverine and tidal floodplain forests of the lower Suwannee River, Florida, and potential impacts of flow reductions
DOI 10.3133/pp1656A
Authors Helen M. Light, Melanie R. Darst, Lori J. Lewis, David A. Howell
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Professional Paper
Series Number 1656
Index ID pp1656A
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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