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HYSEP: A Computer Program for Streamflow Hydrograph Separation and Analysis

January 1, 1996

HYSEP is a computer program that can be used to separate a streamflow hydrograph into base-flow and surface-runoff components. The base-flow component has traditionally been associated with ground-water discharge and the surface-runoff component with precipitation that enters the stream as overland runoff. HYSEP includes three methods of hydrograph separation that are referred to in the literature as the fixed interval, sliding-interval, and local-minimum methods. The program also describes the frequency and duration of measured streamflow and computed base flow and surface runoff. Daily mean stream discharge is used as input to the program in either an American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) or binary format. Output from the program includes table,s graphs, and data files. Graphical output may be plotted on the computer screen or output to a printer, plotter, or metafile.

Publication Year 1996
Title HYSEP: A Computer Program for Streamflow Hydrograph Separation and Analysis
DOI 10.3133/wri964040
Authors Ronald A. Sloto, Michele Y. Crouse
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 96-4040
Index ID wri964040
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Pennsylvania Water Science Center; U.S. Geological Survey
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