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The igneous rocks of the Highwood Mountains of central Montana

August 31, 1935

The study of the Highwood Mountains was undertaken by a group of men from Harvard University under a grant from the Shaler Memorial Fund of the Department of Geology. The work was under the general direction of Larsen, who, with the assistance of Norman A. Haskell, mapped most of the volcanic rocks. Hurlbut and Griggs worked mostly on the laccoliths, Burgess on the stocks, and Buie on the dikes. The party spent two summers in the field. The laboratory work is far from complete. We cooperated closely in all the work.

Publication Year 1935
Title The igneous rocks of the Highwood Mountains of central Montana
DOI 10.1029/TR016i001p00288
Authors Esper S. Larsen, C.S. Hurlbut Jr., C.H. Burgess, D.T. Griggs, Bennett Frank Buie
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
Index ID 70220031
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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