Index of surface-water stations in Texas, January 1984
The U.S. Geological Survey's investigations of the water resources of Texas are conducted in cooperation with the Texas Department of Water Resources, river authorities, cities, counties, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, International Boundary and Water Commission, and others.
Investigations are under the general direction of C. W. Boning, District Chief, Texas District. The Texas District office is located in the Federal Building, 300 East 8th Street, Austin, Texas 78701.
As of January 1, 1984, 399 stream-gaging, 86 reservoir-contents, 19 stage, 2 periodic discharge through range, 42 flood-hydrograph partial-record, 15 floodprofile partial-record, 34 low-flow partial-record, 11 crest-stage partial-record, 11 tide-level , 60 daily chemical-qual ity, 27 continuous-recording water-quality, 187 periodic chemical-qual ity, 175 periodic organic-quality, 60 pesticides, 1 sediment, 43 periodic sediment, 109 periodic biological, 28 continuous-recording water temperature, and 37 national stream-quality accounting network stations were in operation. Plate 1 shows the location of surface-water streamflow or reservoircontent and chemical-qual ity or sediment stations in Texas. Plate 2 shows the location of partial-record surface-water stations.
This index shows the station number and name, latitude and longitude, type of data collected, and the office principally responsible for the data collection (table 1). An 8-digit permanent numerical designation for gaging stations has been adopted on a nationwide basis; stations are numbered and listed in downstream order. In the downstream direction along the main stem, all stations on a tributary entering above a main-stem station are listed before that station. A tributary entering between two main-stem stations is listed between them. A similar order is followed in listing stations on first rank, second rank, and other ranks of tributaries. To indicate the rank of any tributary on which a gaging station is situated and the stream to which it is an immediate tributary, each indention in the listing of gaging stations represent one rank. This downstream order and system of indention show which gaging stations are on tributaries between any two stations on a main stem and the rank of the tributary on which each gaging station is situated. On plates 1 and 2 the 8-digit station number is abbreviated because of space limitation.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 1984 |
Title | Index of surface-water stations in Texas, January 1984 |
DOI | 10.3133/ofr84147 |
Authors | E.R. Carrillo, H.D. Buckner |
Publication Type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Series Title | Open-File Report |
Series Number | 84-147 |
Index ID | ofr84147 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |
USGS Organization | Texas Water Science Center |