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Instructions for observing air temperature, humidity, and direction and force of wind

January 1, 1892

Description of instruments.-The temperature and humidity of the air are obtained from the simultaneous observation of a pair of mercurial thermometers termed the dry and the wet bulb. The air temperature is given by the dry-bulb thermometer, and the humidity is obtained from the combined readings of both. The wet-bulb thermometer differs from the dry-bulb thermometer only in having its bulb covered with thin muslin, which is wetted in pure water at each observation.The two thermometers are fastened in a light metal 'or wooden frame. To this frame is to be attached a stout cord for the whirling of the thermometers, which is an essential part of every observation.

Publication Year 1892
Title Instructions for observing air temperature, humidity, and direction and force of wind
DOI 10.3133/70046395
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Division of Hydrography Circular
Series Number 2
Index ID 70046395
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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