This document discusses results of applying the Integrated Ground-Water Monitoring Strategy (the Strategy) to actual waste sites using existing field characterization and monitoring data. The Strategy is a systematic approach to dealing with complex sites. Application of such a systematic approach will reduce uncertainty associated with site analysis, and therefore uncertainty associated with management decisions about a site. The Strategy can be used to guide the development of a ground-water monitoring program or to review an existing one. The sites selected for study fall within a wide range of geologic and climatic settings, waste compositions, and site design characteristics and represent realistic cases that might be encountered by the NRC. No one case study illustrates a comprehensive application of the Strategy using all available site data. Rather, within each case study we focus on certain aspects of the Strategy, to illustrate concepts that can be applied generically to all sites. The test sites selected include:
- Charleston, South Carolina, Naval Weapons Station,
- Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York,
- The USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nevada,
- Rocky Flats in Colorado,
- C-Area at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, and
- The Hanford 300 Area.
A Data Analysis section provides examples of detailed data analysis of monitoring data.