Individual mine waste samples were collected and combined to form one composite sample at each of eight mine dump sites in Colorado and New Mexico. The samples were air-dried and sieved to determine the geochemical composition of their <2mm size fraction. Splits of the samples were then rehydrated and their electrical properties were measured in the US Geological Survey Petrophysical Laboratory, Denver, Colorado (PetLab). The PetLab measurements were done twice: in 1999, using convenient amounts of rehydration water ranging from 5% to 8%; and in 2000, using carefully controlled rehydrations to 5% and 10% water. This report gives geochemical analyses of the <2mm size fraction of the composite samples (Appendix A), PetLab graphs of the 1999 measurements (Appendix B), Petlab graphs of the 2000 measurements (Appendix C), and Cole-Cole models of the PetLab data from the 2000 measurements (Appendix D).