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Late Cretaceous age of fractures in the Sierra Nevada batholith, California

January 1, 1990

Regional sets of steeply dipping joints and faults are common throughout the Sierra Nevada batholith, yet relatively little is known about how or when they formed. Within some east-northeast-striking, left-lateral fault zones in the Mount Abbot quadrangle of the central Sierra Nevada, the host granodiorite is hydrothermally altered to a lower greenschist assemblage that contains muscovite. The muscovite yields a mean K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar age of 79 Ma, which provides a minimum age for the faulting. Field relations show that these faults developed from earlier formed, mineralized joints, so these ages also provide a minimum age for the jointing. Published ages of biotite, hornblende, and zircon from the host granodiorite of Lake Edison are 80 Ma (K-Ar), 85 Ma (K-Ar), and 90 Ma (U-Pb), respectively. The geochronology, field relations, and hydrothermal mineral assemblages together suggest that the mineralized joints and faults all formed between 85 and 79 Ma, soon after the host pluton was emplaced.

Publication Year 1990
Title Late Cretaceous age of fractures in the Sierra Nevada batholith, California
DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<1248:LCAOFI>2.3.CO;2
Authors P. Segall, E.H. McKee, S.J. Martel, B.D. Turrin
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geology
Index ID 70015930
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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