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Lead isotope data bank; 2,624 samples and analyses cited

January 1, 1976

The Lead Isotope Data Bank (LIDB) was initiated to facilitate plotting data.
Therefore, the Bank reflects data most often used in plotting rather than
comprises a comprehensive tabulation of lead isotope data. Up until now,
plotting was done using card decks processed by computer with tapes plotted
by a Gerber plotter and more recently a CRT using a batch mode. Lack of a
uniform format for sample identification was not a great impediment. With
increase in the size of the bank, hand sorting is becoming prohibitive and ·plans are underway to put the bank into a uniform format on DISK with a card
backup so that it may be accessed by use of IRIS on the DECK 10 computer at the
U.S.G.S. facility in Denver. Plots will be constructed on a CRT. Entry of the
bank into the IRIS accessing program is scheduled for completion in FY 1976

Publication Year 1976
Title Lead isotope data bank; 2,624 samples and analyses cited
DOI 10.3133/ofr76201
Authors Bruce R. Doe
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 76-201
Index ID ofr76201
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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