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Lithologic, geophysical, and well-construction data for observation wells in the Melton Valley area, Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee

January 1, 1989

Nineteen wells were installed at nine sites in the Melton Valley area. The wells are intended to provide information on water levels in both regolith and bedrock, aquifer characteristics, and subsurface lithology. Well depths range from 24 to 86 ft for shallow wells, and from 126 to 301 ft for deep wells. Four inch diameter cores were obtained from four of the deep wells. Caliper, gamma, neutron, and gamma-gamma density borehole geophysical logs were obtained for each deep well. Lithologic description of cores and analysis of geophysical logs indicate that one deep well (UA2) is completed entirely within the Nolichucky Shale; one deep well (UD2) is completely entirely within the Pumpkin Valley Shale; two deep wells (UB2, UE2) are completed entirely within the Maryville Limestone; four deep wells (UF2, UG2, UH2, UI2) penetrate both the Nolichucky Shale and the Maryville Limestone. Well UC2, located near the crest of Haw Ridge, penetrates an imbricate splay of the Copper Creek thrust fault, which places the older Rome Formation above the younger Chickamauga Limestone, at a depth of about 100 to 117 ft. (USGS)

Publication Year 1989
Title Lithologic, geophysical, and well-construction data for observation wells in the Melton Valley area, Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee
DOI 10.3133/wri884197
Authors Patrick Tucci, D. W. Hanchar
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 88-4197
Index ID wri884197
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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