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Mammals of Red Slough Wildlife Management Area, with comments on McCurtain County, Oklahoma

July 2, 2012

Red Slough Wildlife Management Area (RSWMA) is located in the southeastern corner of Oklahoma, McCurtain County, and represents the extreme northwestern extent of the South Central Plains (SCP) ecoregion. Previous mammal research in southeastern Oklahoma has focused mostly on the Ouachita Mountains to the north of RSWMA. As a result, of the 69 species of mammals potentially occurring in McCurtain County, only 48 species represented by 599 voucher specimens reside in natural history collections. We present results from a mammal survey of RSWMA conducted from December 2009 to August 2010. We captured 574 non-volant small mammals in 9,115 trap-nights, 11 bats in 17 net-nights, and seven salvaged meso-mammals resulting in 157 voucher specimens of 22 mammal species, including the first specimen of Castor canadensis for McCurtain County, and photographic vouchers for eight additional species from RSWMA. These results provide a baseline for future studies on RSWMA and substantially increase our natural history knowledge for many relatively under-studied mammals in southeastern Oklahoma

Publication Year 2012
Title Mammals of Red Slough Wildlife Management Area, with comments on McCurtain County, Oklahoma
Authors Zachary P. Roehrs, Justin B. Lack, Craig E. Stanley, Christopher J. Seiden, Robert Bastarache, W. David Arbour, Meredith J. Hamilton, David M. Leslie, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Occasional Papers of the Museum at Texas Tech University
Index ID 70154911
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Coop Res Unit Atlanta
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