This map report is one of a series of geologic and hydrologic maps covering all or parts of States within the Basin and Range province of the western United States. The map reports contain information on subjects that characterize the geohydrology of the province, including the ground-water hydrology, ground-water quality, surface distribution of selected rock types, tectonic conditions, areal geophysics, Pleistocene lakes and marshes, and mineral and energy resources. This work is a part of the U.S. Geological Survey's program for geologic and hydrologic evaluation of the Basin and Range province to identify potentially suitable regions for further study relative to isolation of high-level nuclear waste (Bedinger, Sargent, and Reed, 1984).
Data for this report were taken largely from Spengler and others (1979), supplemented by data from individual geologic maps and reports, following the project guidelines as defined in Sargent and Bedinger (1984). As used in this report, granitic rocks include granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and granite, and locally associated mafic rocks such as diorite and gabbro. In the Snake Range and Ruby Mountains, Stewart (1980) has recognized large areas as metamorphic core complexes, and in these complexes some plutonic masses may not extend to great depth because of lateral displacement along low-angle faults subsequent to intrusion.
The Description of Map Units includes the sources of data, the geologic, and if available, the radiometric age, lithologic character, type of intrusive body and relation to rock units, where known, for the granitic rocks within outlined and numbered areas in each county of the study area. The radiometric ages of the rock units are only those which are available and do not necessarily represent the entire age range of the geologic units.