The San Francisco River area includes about 950 square miles in Greenlee County in east-central Arizona. Water-resources development has been slight compared with that in many areas in Arizona. In 1978 about 500 acre-feet of water was diverted for irrigation from the San Francisco and Blue Rivers, and about 550 acre-feet of ground water was withdrawn from wells for municipal use at Clifton. Surface water and ground water generally contained less than 500 milligrams per liter of dissolved solids; however, in the San Francisco River the dissolved-solids concentration increased from 263 to 885 milligrams per liter as the water moved downstream. The increase in dissolved solids was caused by inflow from springs near Clifton, one of which contained 11,700 milligrams per liter of dissolved solids. Information shown on the maps includes altitude of the water level, depth to water, well depth, streamflow characteristics of the San Francisco and Blue Rivers, and dissolved-solids and fluoride concentrations.