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Maximum known stages and discharges of New York streams through September 1983

January 1, 1984

This report lists the maximum known stages and discharges of New York streams through September 1981. The data represent 1,189 sites. Most data were obtained from files of the U.S. Geological Survey, but some were provided by other Federal, State, and private organizations. The information is grouped by major drainage basins and listed by U.S. Geological Survey station number in downstream order. Given are county names, drainage area (in square miles), period of record, type of site (continuous record, partial record, miscellaneous measurement), date of discharge, stage, elevation, discharge, and remarks. An envelope curve for the New York data was developed from a plot of maximum known discharge versus drainage area, and was compared with a like curve derived from maximum known discharge data gathered throughout the United States. The national curve ranges from about 3.0 times higher than the New York curve at a drainage area of 1.0 square mile to about 4.5 times higher at 1 ,000 square miles. The relative magnitude of flood discharges in four hydrologic regions of New York (west, north, southeast, Long Island) is shown in graphs relating maximum known discharge to drainage area. (USGS)

Publication Year 1984
Title Maximum known stages and discharges of New York streams through September 1983
DOI 10.3133/ofr83927
Authors J.A. Robideau, P. M. Burke, Richard Lumia
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 83-927
Index ID ofr83927
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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