During March and April 1957, a brief investigation was made at the request of the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, to determine the cause for the decline in the performances of the wells used at Biggs Air Force Base, El Paso, Texas. The investigation included a general survey or the existing wells, pumping schedules, and records of pumpage and water levels.
Appreciation is expressed for the cooperation of personnel or the Corps of Engineers, particularly to H. B. Norain and H. Wortman. In addition, the Layne-Texas Co., the C. L. North Co., and Mr. C. F. Gill of the El Paso Public Service Board were helpful in supplying data not available in the files of Biggs Air Force Base. A considerable amount of data used in this report are published in Water-Supply Paper 1426 of the Geological Survey.