Extensive areas in northwestern Nevada are underlain by granodiorite and quartz monzonite plutons, as well as less common smaller bodies of quartz diorite. Twenty-six K/Ar age determinations on rocks from this suite range from about 175 to 85 m.y., but most of the plutons are between 105 and 85 m.y. old. This Late Cretaceous intrusive epoch extending from 105 to 85 m.y. ago is here named the Lovelock intrusive epoch. Twenty-three whole-rock chemical analyses show that the granitic rocks of northwestern Nevada form a homogeneous differentiation series with a narrow range in major element distribution. The granitic plutons of northwestern Nevada are chemically and petrographically indistinguishable from granitic intrusives of equivalent age in the Sierra Nevada and Idaho batholiths, and form a link between these two major batholiths.