Recharge to the principal artesian aquifer in a six-county area in northeast Florida was calculated using closed contour methods , water budgets, and formulas for computing leakage through confining beds. Each estimate was tested in a computer model of groundwater flow to see which estimate was best. Calculations of flow medway between the 24- and 21-meter potentiometric contours show a total flow of 164,000 cubic meters per day, a significant part ofm which must be recharged within the closed 24-meter controur. Flow midway between the 18- and 15-meter contours was calculated to be 342,000 cubic meters per day. A water budget for the same area in water year 1972 indicates a potential recharge rate of 2,570,000 cubic meters per day. Digital modeling of ground-water flow in northeast Florida shows that the recharge rate calculated by closed contour is insufficient to balance the natural discharge of the regional ground-water system, whereas the rate calculated from water budgets is too great. Therefore, the best way to simulate the recharge mechanism of the northeast Florida flow model may be with a constant head boundary, rather than with constant flux. (Woodard-USGS)