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Mid-continent earthquake zones; lessons from New Madrid, Missouri

January 1, 1991

Many seismically active regions occur throughout the world as concentrated zones surrounded by the relatively stable crust of shields or platforms. Examples occur in central and eastern North America, northeastern Brazil, Australia, Norway, Svalbard, Greenland, and other places. Some of these zones, such as those at New Madrid, Missouri, and in the St. Lawrence Valley on the Canadian border, extend over relatively large areas and are marked by a high level of seismicity. Others, such as that near Anna Ohio, are smaller, and the level of activity is lower. Some zones are occasinoally sites for major earthquakes which, if they are in populated regions, can cause widespread destrucion and loss of life. 

Publication Year 1991
Title Mid-continent earthquake zones; lessons from New Madrid, Missouri
Authors B. J. Mitchell
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Earthquakes & Volcanoes (USGS)
Index ID 70168540
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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