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Mineralogy and grain size of surficial sediment from the Big Lost River drainage and vicinity, with chemical and physical characteristics of geologic materials from selected sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho

January 1, 1989

The U.S. Geological Survey 's Idaho National Engineering Laboratory project office, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy, collected 35 samples of surficial sediments from the Big Lost River drainage and vicinity from July 1987 through August 1988 for analysis of grain-size distribution, bulk mineralogy, and clay mineralogy. Samples were collected from 11 sites in the channel and 5 sites in overbank deposits of the Big Lost River, 6 sites in the spreading areas that receive excess flow from the Big Lost River during peak flow conditions, 7 sites in the natural sinks and playas of the Big Lost River, 1 site in the Little Lost River Sink, and 5 sites from other small, isolated closed basins. Eleven samples from the Big Lost River channel deposits had a mean of 1.9 and median of 0.8 weight percent in the less than 0.062 mm fraction. The other 24 samples had a mean of 63.3 and median of 63.7 weight percent for the same size fraction. Mineralogy data are consistent with grain-size data. The Big Lost River channel deposits had mean and median percent mineral abundances of total clays and detrital mica of 10 and 10%, respectively, whereas the remaining 24 samples had mean and median values of 24% and 22.5% , respectively. (USGS)

Publication Year 1989
Title Mineralogy and grain size of surficial sediment from the Big Lost River drainage and vicinity, with chemical and physical characteristics of geologic materials from selected sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho
DOI 10.3133/ofr89384
Authors R. C. Bartholomay, L. L. Knobel, L.C. Davis
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 89-384
Index ID ofr89384
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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