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Model synthesis in frequency analysis of Missouri floods

January 1, 1974
Synthetic flood records for 43 small-stream sites aided in definition of techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods in Missouri. The long-term synthetic flood records were generated by use of a digital computer model of the rainfall-runoff process. A relatively short period of concurrent rainfall and runoff data observed at each of the 43 sites was used to calibrate the model, and rainfall records covering from 66 to 78 years for four Missouri sites and pan-evaporation data were used to generate the synthetic records. Flood magnitude and frequency characteristics of both the synthetic records and observed long-term flood records available for 109 large-stream sites were used in a multiple-regression analysis to define relations for estimating future flood characteristics at ungaged sites. That analysis indicated that drainage basin size and slope were the most useful estimating variables. It also indicated that a more complex regression model than the commonly used log-linear one was needed for the range of drainage basin sizes available in this study.
Publication Year 1974
Title Model synthesis in frequency analysis of Missouri floods
DOI 10.3133/cir708
Authors Leland D. Hauth
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Circular
Series Number 708
Index ID cir708
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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