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National Cartographic Information Center Newsletter No. 6

January 1, 1977

As a rule we don't carry personnel information additions, subtractions, etc., in the newsletter. This is a technical publication, not a forum for office baseball league scores. Now, having got that disclaimer out of the way, we wanted to note that Dick Swinnerton, Chief of NCIC since the Center's inception in 1974, has left us. Dick was recently chosen as Chief of the Topographic Divisions's Western Mapping Center (a move up and, geographically at least, to the left). When Dick arrived NCIC consisted of 4 briefing books and an interesting concept. 3 years later we have 10 books and a thriving organization. We shall miss him. This issue contains what we hope is an interesting collection of cartographic news, including articles about recent Federal mapping agreements, new publication announcements, notes on the second NCIC coordinating conference, and a cumulative index for the spring 1975 to summer 1977 issues.

Publication Year 1977
Title National Cartographic Information Center Newsletter No. 6
DOI 10.3133/70039592
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Unnumbered Series
Series Title Newsletter
Series Number 6
Index ID 70039592
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization National Cartographic Information Center
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