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Numerical simulation of the High Plains regional aquifer, northwestern Oklahoma

January 1, 1984
The High Plains aquifer consists of the Tertiary Ogallala Formation and overlying Quaternary alluvium and terrace deposits together with parts of underlying rocks. Before extensive irrigation in the 1960's, recharge from precipitation was balanced by natural discharge. Baseflow was estimated as approximately 118 cubic feet per second in 1980. A finite-difference digital model simulated flow in the aquifer. Recharge was adjusted so that 1980 baseflow was 118 cubic feet per second. Recharge in the eastern half of the modeled area was 0.45 inch per year and one-half this value in the western half. Three hydraulic conductivity zones were used: 19.3 feet per day in the east; 16.2 feet per day in the center; and 8.28 feet per day in the west. A specific yield of 14.7 percent was used. The calibrated model gave a mean difference between predevelopment modeled and measured heads of -0.044 foot. Using 1980 pumping rates, the model was used to predict 1993 and 2020 water in storage and saturated thickness. The calculated water in storage , in million acre-feet, in 1941 (predevelopment) was 135.2; in 1980, 121.9; in 1993, 112.7; and in 2020, 96.2. (USGS)
Publication Year 1984
Title Numerical simulation of the High Plains regional aquifer, northwestern Oklahoma
DOI 10.3133/wri834269
Authors J.S. Havens, S. C. Christenson
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 83-4269
Index ID wri834269
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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