In memory of Campbell Craddock: When J. Campbell Craddock (1972) published his famous 1:5 000 000
map of the Geology of Antarctica, he established major units such as the East Antarctic Craton, the early Palaeozoic
Ross, the Mesozoic Ellsworth, and the Cenozoic Andean orogens. It is already evident from this map, that the strike of
the Ellsworth Mountains and the Shackleton Range is perpendicular to palaeo-Pacific and modern Pacific margins.
While the Ellsworth-Whitmore block is classified as a rotated terrane, the Ross-aged orogen of the Shackleton Range
requires another interpretation. The discovery of extended tectonic nappes with south directed transport in the southern
Shackleton Range and west transport in the north established a plate tectonic scenery with a subduction dominated Ross
Orogen in the Transantarctic Mountains and a transpressive tectonic regime in the Shackleton Range during the final
closing of the Mozambique Ocean.