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Partition coefficients of Hf, Zr, and ree between phenocrysts and groundmasses

January 1, 1984

Partition coefficients of Hf, Zr, and REE between olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet, amphibole, ilmenite, phlogopite, and liquid are presented. Samples consist of megacrysts in kimberlite, phenocrysts in alkaline basalts, tholeiitic basalts and andesitic to dacitic rocks, and synthetic garnet and clinopyroxene in Hawaiian tholeiites. The Hf-Lu and Zr-Lu elemental fractionations are as large as the Lu-Sm or Lu-Nd fractionation. The Hf and Zr partition coefficients between mafic phenocrysts and liquids are smaller than the Lu partition coefficients, but are similar to the Nd or Sm partition coefficients. The Hf and Zr partition coefficients between ilmenite, phlogopite, and liquid are larger than the Lu partition coefficients for these minerals and their corresponding liquids. The Hf-Zr elemental fractionation does not occur except for extreme fractionation involving Zr-minerals and extremely low fo2. These data have an important bearing on chronological and petrogenetic tracer studies involving the Lu-Hf isotopic system.

Publication Year 1984
Title Partition coefficients of Hf, Zr, and ree between phenocrysts and groundmasses
DOI 10.1029/JB089iS02p0B662
Authors Hirokazu Fujimaki, Mitsunobu Tatsumoto, Ken-ichiro Aoki
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
Index ID 70013152
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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