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Petrology and structure of the Moa Chromite district, Oriente Province, Cuba

April 30, 1947

Chromite deposits In the Moa district, on the north coast of Oriente Province, Cuba, form one facies of the ultramafic complex in which they occur. Two planar structures, one a compositional layering due to variations in the relative proportions of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, and chromite, and the other a foliation caused by the orientation of pyroxene crystals in peridotite, are in general parallel, but diverge in a few places. Dips are fairly constant, being moderate to the northwest over most of the area, but sharp reversals occur immediately adjacent to irregularities in the chromite deposits. Two prominent joint sets are present: (1) Cross joints striking parallel to the strike of the foliation and dipping approximately at right angles to it; and (2) longitudinal joints striking parallel to the direction of dip of the foliation and nearly vertical. Gabbro dikes follow the first set, chrysotlle veins the second. Within the ore bodies dikes are commonly coarser‐grained, larger, and far more abundant than in peridotite; they enclose coarse, angular fragments of chromite. ©1947. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.

Publication Year 1947
Title Petrology and structure of the Moa Chromite district, Oriente Province, Cuba
DOI 10.1029/TR028i002p00218
Authors P. W. Guild
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
Index ID 70207425
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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