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Phase relations in the CuVS system

January 1, 1986
Phase relations in the system Cu-V-S were studied by using a sealedcapsule technique, reflected-light microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. In the temperature range between 300 and 900 ??C, six vanadium sulfides exist in the V-S system. These are VS, V7S8, V3S4, V5S8, V3S5 and VS4. In the Cu-V-S system, three Cu-V sulfides are stable. Both Cu3VS4 (sulvanite) and CuV2S4 are cubic with a = 5.391 ?? 0.005 A ?? and a = 9.789 ?? 0.005 A ?? respectively, and the third has a composition Cu0.8V1.1S2. CuV2S4 forms equilibrium assemblages with all vanadium sulfides, which restricts their effects on the phase relations in the system to a small region. ?? 1986.
Publication Year 1986
Title Phase relations in the CuVS system
DOI 10.1016/0022-5088(86)90146-3
Authors D. Wu, L.L.Y. Chang, C.R. Knowles
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of the Less-Common Metals
Index ID 70015025
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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