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Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the Lac qui Parle River basin, southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota

January 1, 1994

Data describing the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points on streams in the Lac qui Parle River basin, located in southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota, are presented in this report. The physical charac- teristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channel length. and the main-channel slope. The points on the stream include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, outfalls of sewage treatment plants, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations.

Publication Year 1994
Title Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the Lac qui Parle River basin, southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota
DOI 10.3133/ofr9346
Authors D. L. Lorenz, C. A. Sanocki, Thomas A. Winterstein
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 93-46
Index ID ofr9346
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Minnesota Water Science Center
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