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Plankton studies in San Francisco Bay; II, Phytoplankton abundance and species composition, July 1977-December 1979

January 1, 1981

Data are presented on the phytoplankton species composition and abundance in San Francisco Bay from July 1977 through December 1979. Phytoplankton identification and enumerations were made at selected stations. Sample collections were made at selected stations in the main channel of the Bay from Rio Vista on the Sacramento River to Calaveras Point in South San Francisco Bay, and at shoal stations in the central portion of South San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Suisun Bay. Also reported, from October 1978 through December 1979, are the calculated phytoplankton carbon and percent nondiatom carbon, and the species list. This study is one component of an ongoing interdisciplinary study of San Francisco Bay. (USGS)

Publication Year 1981
Title Plankton studies in San Francisco Bay; II, Phytoplankton abundance and species composition, July 1977-December 1979
DOI 10.3133/ofr81214
Authors Raymond L. J. Wong, James E. Cloern
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 81-214
Index ID ofr81214
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization San Francisco Bay-Delta; Pacific Regional Director's Office
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