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Potential industrial sites in the Lynn Canal area, Alaska

January 1, 1953

Full development of a proposal to divert the headwaters of the Yukon River drainage from Canada into the Taiya River valley of Alaska would make available more than a half million kilowatts of electrical energy. Utilization of this block of power, for which there is at present no local market, will require an industrial and community development of appreciable magnitude. Suitable sites for industrial and community development near the proposed power source are limited because of the extremely rugged and mountainous terrain of the Lynn Canal area.

This report considers potential industrial areas at Skagway, Taiya River, Ferebee River, Lutak Inlet, Haines and vicinity, Klukwan and vicinity, Haines to Klukwan along the Haines cutoff, Berners Bay, and Juneau and vicinity. The factors considered in their evaluation are topography, geology, climate, water supply, transportation facilities, and transmission-line routes from the source of power.

Publication Year 1953
Title Potential industrial sites in the Lynn Canal area, Alaska
DOI 10.3133/cir280
Authors Arthur Johnson, William Stephens Twenhofel
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Circular
Series Number 280
Index ID cir280
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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