Annual maximum precipitation data for Cheyenne, Wyoming, are presented for the years 1871-1986 for durations of 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes and 1, 2, and 24 hours. Precipitation-frequency curves are developed on the basis of data collected before 1985; a second set of curves are developed on the basis of data collected through 1986. The data are plotted and analyzed three times, assuming: (1) The data are described by a Gumbel distribution; (2) the logarithms of the data are described by a Gumbel distribution; and (3) the logarithms of the data are described by a Pearson Type III distribution. The inclusion of data for the large storm of August 1, 1985, had the most noticeable effect on the prediction of the magnitude of storms of long average recurrence intervals for the 1-, 2-, and 24-hour durations. Seven intensity-duration curves were calculated for the August 1, 1985 storm. For durations greater than 30 minutes, the observed curve indicates greater intensity than do five of the seven calculated curves. Dimensionless hyetographs were developed for 10 flood-producing storms that have occurred in the Cheyenne area since 1903. The pattern index (integral of the dimensionless hyetograph curve) for the storm of August 1, 1985, is 3 standard deviations lower than the mean of the pattern indices for the remaining 9 storms, indicating that the distribution of precipitation with time for the August 1, 1985, storm was outside the normal range for Cheyenne.