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Preliminary analysis of regional-precipitation periodicity

January 1, 1980

Precipitation variability plays a major role in nearly every aspect of the hydrologic cycle. Precipitation is not a random event, but it occurs after a sequence of prerequi-sites has been fulfilled. Recent investigations have shown that activity of the sun can affect atmospheric vorticity, an important factor in precipitation formation. Solar activity is known to be periodic; therefore, through a complex series of physical processes, precipitation variance is solar forced to a certain degree.

A preliminary analysis of precipitation periodicity was made for eight regions scattered across the central United States. Each region contained 5 to 10 stations with long-term precipitation records that were averaged to obtain yearly regional-precipitation values. Graphic analysis shows 11-year and 22-year cycles that are nearly in phase with the solar cycles.

An example of the effect of cyclic precipitation is presented for the Powder River basin in Wyoming and Montana. A cycle of 22 years exhibits fluctuations of approximately 22 to 27 percent for precipitation and 38 to 50 percent for runoff. A more detailed study that investigates solar-forced precipitation cycles and their relationship to hydrologic processes is needed.

Publication Year 1980
Title Preliminary analysis of regional-precipitation periodicity
DOI 10.3133/wri8074
Authors Charles A. Perry
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 80-74
Index ID wri8074
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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