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Preliminary data on some Precambrian deposits of zinc-copper-lead sulfides and zinc spinel (granite) in Colorado

January 1, 1977

Precambrian sulfide deposits in the Southern Rocky Mountains in Colorado are being studied and re-evaluated according to geologic concepts which were developed in recent years in other parts of the world during successful research regarding economic massive sulfide deposits. These studies, initiated in 1974 in Colorado by the U.S. Geological Survey, have indicated that a new look at areas containing long dormant mines and prospects may well lead to the discovery of minable Precambrian sulfide deposits. The zinc, copper, and lead contents of ores investigated to date, supplemented by silver and gold contents, indicate that many long-forgotten deposits are minable in terms of grade. The deposits occur in Precambrian rocks metamorphosed to the lower amphibolite facies in one major region and to the upper amphibolite facies in other regions. Field studies have provided ample evidence indicating that the search for commercial tonnages can he facilitated by using newer concepts of economic geology regarding ore-host rock associations as prospecting guides and by using structural considerations aimed toward learning how metamorphism and folding have modified the shapes and distribution of the ore bodies. A newly recognized concept, originating from the current studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Colorado, concerns the potential economic significance of gahnite, a zinc spinel. The field and laboratory data indicate that gahnite can be used by geologists as a prospector's guide to ore and can be considerd by mining engineers as a potential major ore mineral, contributing significant amounts of zinc to the sulfide ores in many of the deposits. Studies to date indicate that the Gunnison area, the Salida area, and the Guffey area are particularly favorable to the search for minable deposits, and the potential is equally present in many other areas.

Publication Year 1977
Title Preliminary data on some Precambrian deposits of zinc-copper-lead sulfides and zinc spinel (granite) in Colorado
DOI 10.3133/ofr77607
Authors Douglas M. Sheridan, William H. Raymond
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 77-607
Index ID ofr77607
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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