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Preliminary digital model of the Arikaree aquifer in the Sweetwater River basin, central Wyoming

January 1, 1977

In central Wyoming, Potentially large supplies of ground water are available in the Sweetwater River basin from the Arikaree aquifer, which consists of the upper part of the White River, the Arikaree, and the Ogallala Formations. A preliminary digital model was developed for the Arikaree aquifer using a small amount of poorly distributed data, an estimated distribution of recharge, and a conceptual model of the Arikaree aquifer flow system. Calibration of the model was based on reproduction of the potentiometric surface and the base flow of the Sweetwater River in November 1975. Calculated steady-state hydraulic heads were within 50 feet of the observed heads in about 98 percent of the nodes. The calculated leakage from the Arikaree aquifer to he Sweetwater River in the western area was within about 12 percent of the leadage determined by gain and loss studies. In order to develop a comprehensive digital model that would respond to hydraulic stress in nearly the same manner as the actual aquifer flow system, measured responses of the aquifer to stress are needed. Also needed are additional data on aquifer characteristics, recharge to the aquifer, and stream-aquifer relationships. (Woodard-USGS)

Publication Year 1977
Title Preliminary digital model of the Arikaree aquifer in the Sweetwater River basin, central Wyoming
DOI 10.3133/wri77107
Authors W. B. Borchert
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 77-107
Index ID wri77107
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization WY-MT Water Science Center
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