The drilling and logging activity described in this report was undertaken in July 1981, as part of the Energy Lands program of the U.S. Geological Survey. The general objectives of the project of which this work is a part are to provide an understanding of the nature, location, and extent of the engineering geology and environmental geology concerns in areas of potential coal development in the Cook Inlet region, Alaska. The lithologic, geotechnical, and geophysical data presented in this report include some of the data needed to evaluate geologic hazards, and to predict the response of geologic materials to large-scale coal mining and related development in the Chuitna West coal field of the Beluga coal resource area. Specifically, the information may be used in evaluation of natural- and cut-slope stability, spoil-pile stability, ground response to seismic activity, blasting effects, excavatability, ground-water conditions, and erosion potential.
The drill site (fig. 1, point C), located on the edge of a small, gently sloping basin draining northwestward into the Chuitna River, is approximately 90 km, (55 mi) west of Anchorage, Alaska, and 29 km (18 mi) northwest of Tyonek, a native village on the northwest side of Cook Inlet.