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Preliminary petrographic description and geologic implications of the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder consortium samples

January 1, 1974

Preliminary petrographic description and mineral composition of four hand samples (77135, 77115, 77075 and 77215) are presented. 77135, 77115, and 77075 all crystallized from fragment-laden melts; they are similar in textures but differ in grain size. 77135 and 77115 are pigeonite feldspathic basalts. On the basis of geologic and petrographic evidence, 77115 and 77075 are related; they formed, cooled, and consolidated before being engulfed in the vesicular 77135. The impact or igneous origin of the melts from which these rocks crystallized cannot be determined. 77215 is a shocked, strongly sheared and granulated microbreccia consisting of three major lithologies dominated by mineral clasts of orthopyroxene and calcic plagioclase. The orthopyroxene clasts contain coarse exsolved blebs of augite, suggesting a deep-seated origin. The major, minor, and trace element compositions of 77135, 77115, and 77075 are in general similar. They represent a major highland rock type, perhaps more important than anorthosites.

    Publication Year 1974
    Title Preliminary petrographic description and geologic implications of the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder consortium samples
    DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(74)90130-7
    Authors E. C. T. Chao, J.A. Minkin, C.L. Thompson
    Publication Type Article
    Publication Subtype Journal Article
    Series Title Earth and Planetary Science Letters
    Index ID 70009977
    Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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