Borehole gravity surveys were carried out in four wells in the State of Washington by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) in September and October of 1978 using the U.S.G.S. - LaCoste and Romberg borehole gravity meter G-95 (BHGM) (McCulloh and others, 1967a; McCulloh and others, 1967b). The primary objective of this study was to obtain data for the determination of accurate in-situ formation densities in the Umtanum Flow and other flows that might be considered for storage of radioactive wastes (Atlantic Richfield Hanford Co., 1976). Another objective was to obtain accurate densities of the sediments above the basalts and of the basalt interbeds for use in making more accurate interpretations of surface gravity studies throughout the Columbia Plateau.