This report was prepared to assist in the planning of seismic profiles to be run across the anticlinorium in the vicinity of the Kiligwa River. The stratigraphy and structure of the mapped area south of the anticlinorium are reviewed. Two facies of the Lisburne formation, a calcarenite-hydroclastic limestone facies and a black shale, black chert and dark limestone facies, have been distinguished. In the southern foothills, the black shale facies appears to have been thrust from the south over the limestone facies. The available evidence indicates that the Lisburne formation, as limestone or a more proximal facies was doposited over the area of the anticlinorium. Following a redefinition of the Torok formation in the type area, strata formerly mapped as Torok have here been designated Castle Mountain formation. The depositional history of the Castle Mountain formation reflects active orogeny. Lenses of coarse clastics appear to have been dumped in local basins; equivalent beds to the north are much finer. A basal zone of sandstone may be more extensive and may correlate with the sandstones noted along and north of the anticlinorium.